Snap out of it, Asia! The sooner we do, we can help others to awaken.

This blog was created to act as a synopsis and to help simplify concepts of what "The Event" is. Or who Cobra is. Or who the cabal and illuminati are? Why the two names? It aims to get people locally involved in this planetary-wide shift in consciousness.

It is my wishful thinking for Asia to have a massive awakening. It seems everything I read is geared for Western audiences. People forget Asia is huge! We can easily dwarf North America alone, or UK. And we have been everywhere and can be found in every corner of the world!

I believe Asians have the potential to really push the change in consciousness further and over the edge. The plan has been laid out long before some of us were even born and the Resistance Movement is currently working behind the scenes to overthrow the cabal. They are only waiting for the number of awakened people to increase before everything is revealed in mainstream media.

Let us help in that endeavor, Asia!

*Published on mobile. More to come.

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