Detailed Updates from Cobra and RM

By this time you should have a good grasp on who Cobra or RM is, and how they are liberating us from the claws of evil cabal. When I first read about RM I was elated and laughing, thinking, we are gonna be all right! The back of my neck all the way down was tingling and pulsating, which is my version for 'spider sense.' It is my organic radar that helps me weed out the truth from the noise. It's like a truth compass directing me where to go.

In his latest update Cobra reports on all the headway they're making. There are some heavy occult terminologies in this one. It is overwhelming for a lot of us who are just catching up. As for me, I have experimented with the occult at a very young age. I have had brushes with the unexplained my whole life.
This book I've been reading since I was 10 might have something to do with it.

Latest updates from Cobra here. Hours of scouring the internet researching on one concept brings me to various other blogs and sites. I am trying my best to stay coherent and to make it easier for others to digest. This blog aims to awaken the Asian masses and simplify concepts for others, such as these:

Heads up. Occult concepts.

What is the Chimera group? They are dark forces that originated from the Andromeda galaxy. They incarnated here on Earth in humanoid physical bodies 25,000 years ago. They isolated humanity from positive ET contact by putting the planet on a quarantine (The Veil). More details on chimera here.

This is why many of us find it hard to swallow all this ET and advanced technology coming to light in soft disclosures now. We were negatively conditioned from the start. They have technology that messed with our psyche separating us from the Source. We have forgotten that we are one powerful consciousness in human form. Our ignorance is their power!

While we act like we know everything with our primitive logic and science that only seeks understanding based on physical proof, ETs, ascended masters and advanced beings have long reconciled spirit and science. That is their secret. And what we have forgotten. Exactly what evil cabal wants. They spread misinformation, mocking and labeling it Pseudoscience or Hippie New Age crap.

You may have heard of Inner Earth or Subterranean cities. They were created by this chimera group as their headquarters, controlling and enslaving surface humans from down there.
"Then they constructed a vast network of subterranean cities, using Draconians as slave handlers and Reptilians as slaves and controlled the human population on the surface of the planet from there."

The Veil is a scalar electromagnetic fence around the Earth isolating us from positive ET contact. More on the veil here.

I hope you are still with me. We will now delve into "strangelet and toplet bombs." These are bombs put in the plasmatic plane by the chimera group. They use it to blackmail lightworkers and our Star Family. If they should ever intervene and try to liberate us, these bombs will be set off, destroying Earth and everything in it. More on strangelet and toplet bombs here.

What strangelet bombs are.

Where strangelet and toplet bombs are hidden.

More on plasmatic plane here. Which brings us back to the Important Situation Update like one big circle.

Our ignorance is their power! Be open to info but guard your mind! Our only defense is to stay well-informed! More to come.

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